Jens Olejak

Deutsche Telekom, Head of Satellite IoT

Speaker Bio

At Deutsche Telekom Jens currently leads the Satellite IoT program. As a senior product manager and team leader with 10+ years of experience in the IoT market, he was responsible for several IoT innovations such as the commercial introduction of NB-IoT and LTE-M.

Since 2017 Jens has been representing Deutsche Telekom at IoT-related GSMA groups, initially at the NB-IoT Forum, now as chairman of the 5G IoT Strategy Group.

He joined Deutsche Telekom in 2005, where he managed the first corporate transformation program towards Next-Generation-Networks and subsequently worked on the establishment of the company’s first product design unit. Prior to joining DT, he worked at Accenture's Communications & HighTech strategy consulting unit in Frankfurt, London and Düsseldorf.

He holds a degree in mathematics from the University of Siegen and an MBA from Imperial College, London.