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The 2022 GLOMO Award Winners

Category 1: Mobile Tech

1a. CTO Choice: Outstanding Mobile Technology Award

Samsung Networks for fully virtualized 5G RAN solution

1b. Best Mobile Network Infrastructure

Huawei for New FDD Giga Band MIMO Modules

1c. Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough

Samsung Networks for fully virtualized 5G RAN solution

1d. Best Network Software Breakthrough

Rakuten Mobile for 5G Open RAN

1e. Best Digital Tech Breakthrough for companies with under $10 million Annual Global Revenue

AccelerComm for 5G physical layer IP for Open RAN that Maximises Spectral Efficiency

1f. Best Mobile Authentication & Security Solution

AdaptiveMobile Security, an Enea Company for the World’s First Unified 5G Network Security Solution

1g. 5G Industry Partnership Award

China Unicom Beijing and Huawei for 5G Capital's Meta Life on Giga Society

Category 2: Industry X

2a. Best Mobile Operator Service for the Connected Customer

Veon Group for MobileID

2b. Best Mobile Innovation for Connected Economy

Tianjin Port, Huawei and China Mobile for Port Renaissance, Intelligent Twin empowers a Smart, Green Tianjin Port

2c. Best Mobile Innovation for the Connected Human

Huawei for 5G Smart Healthcare Lights up Hainan Healthy Island

2d. Best Mobile Innovation for Connected Living

Safaricom for M-PESA App

Category 3: Device

3a. Best Smartphone

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max

3b. Disruptive Device Innovation Award

Oppo for its Hinge & Display Integration on the FIND N

3c. Best Connected Consumer Device

ZTE for Next-Gen Cloud AI Home Security Camera Pro

Category 4: Tech4Good

4a. Best Mobile Innovation for Emerging Markets

Starlogik IP LLC for StarZRO

4b. Best Mobile Innovation supporting Emergency or Humanitarian Situations

Hormuud Telecoms for The WAAFI APP

4c. Best Mobile Innovation for Accessibility & Inclusion

SK Telecom and Tuat for AI-based Visual Assistant Service ‘Sullivan Plus X NUGU’

4d. Best Mobile Innovation for Climate Action

China Mobile and Huawei for Green 5G Project

4e. Outstanding Mobile Contribution to the UN SDGs

Safaricom, Close the Gap and Huawei for DigiTruck Project

Category 5: Government Leadership Award 5a. Government Leadership Award

Government of Spain

Category 6: Outstanding Achievement

6a. Outstanding Contribution to the Mobile Industry

Mr Houlin Zhao, Secretary-General, ITU

6b. Diversity in Tech Award

Vodafone for #ChangeTheFace Leadership Alliance

6c. Best Innovation for COVID-19 Pandemic Response & Recovery

Telit and Controlant for Cellular IoT rollout for COVID-19 vaccine distribution

Category 7: 4YFN Awards 2022
