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m4 wireless GmbH


m4 wireless is a deeptech start-up with the vision to leverage METAMATERIAL TECHNOLOGY with its groundbreaking new capabilities for advanced, eco-friendly wireless communication systems.

At MWC2025 we demonstrate how dipole and monopole antennas like PIFAs can be drastically reduced in size (factor of 5!) by means of an engineered, scalable, simple-to-manufacture metamaterial structure.
We are seeking partners to utilize this technology to MINIATURIZE ANTENNAS for small drones, robots, IoT-devices and for automotive antennas.

Moreover, we show a wide-band HIGH-EFFICIENCY all-dielectric METASURFACE (static RIS) for mmWave and FR3 that can be TAILORED to the application scenario to extend the coverage range and to cover shadowed areas. With our 3D-printing technology it takes only 8 hours from specification to delivery of the customized RIS.
We are interested in cooperations with campus network providers to demonstrate our just-in-time concept.

Metamaterials will shape the future of RF technology. Join us & be among the first to bring your RF components to the next level.