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CampusOS flagship project


The CampusOS Project supports the development of an ecosystem for 5G private networks (campus networks) on the basis of open and modular radio technologies and interoperable network components. This enables manufacturer independence and more competition and innovation in order to strengthen the digital sovereignty of companies in Germany and Europe.
In the CampusOS project, 22. partners from industry and research are developing reference architectures and technologies tailored to the economy, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The project is run by Fraunhofer Institutes FOKUS and HHI.

The following Partners & Projects are showcasing their results:
ATESIO, BISDN, BOSCH, EANTC, Fraunhofer HHI, Kubermatic, MUGLER, NODE-H, Rohde & Schwarz, i14y Lab, xG-Incubator: Airpuls, Massive Beams;