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Regula Face SDK

Regula face SDK - biometric verification technology that can be integrated into mobile and web apps to confirm any user’s identity and protect any business from fraud.

Key functionality:
- 1:1 matching between portrait images from a document data page, embedded electronic chip, selfie, external database
- 1:N identification of an image against a database of faces you utilize
- Active Liveness Detection technology
- Extended face attributes retrieval (age, emotions, hats, glasses, masks, etc.)
- Operating capability in almost any ambient light conditions
- Face Image Quality Assessment according to ICAO 9303 guidelines and ISO/IEC 19754, TR 29754, NIST
- Web components for seamless UX on any device
- 30+ languages for out-of-the-box Ul localizations

Within one request, Regula Face SDK matches a portrait to another reference photo from document printed portrait, RFID chip, selfie from web or mobile device, or an external portrait from your database.