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Digital Access Pass - Help Guide

To open your Digital Access Pass you will need to:

Download our app

If you have downloaded the app, please make sure you have the latest version.

Open your Pass

Display your pass

If you cannot see your Digital Access Pass, please follow our help guide below

1. Issues logging in to your App

Your username and password are the same as your registration account. If you need to reset your password, please click on Forgot Password? and follow the instructions. You can choose to send your password recovery link to your email or mobile phone (the number must the same as in your registration account)

2. Not Registered

You are not registered for MWC25 Barcelona

Please see all available passes HERE

3. Registration Incomplete

If you can see this screen your ID Validation is not yet complete

Log back into your registration account and check your ID Status

4. Digital Access Pass not available

Only pass holders with Extended Hours access can enter the venue before the start of the event

Your pass will be activated on Sunday 2 March to allow you to make sure you can access it ready for the event opening

5. Daily Welcome Message

Each day when you open your Digital Access Pass you will be greeted with a welcome screen

To access your pass for the event, simply click on the green button at the bottom of the screen