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Alberto-Giovanni Busetto

HealthAI - The Global Agency for Responsible AI in Health, Chief AI Officer

Speaker Bio

Dr. Sc. Alberto-Giovanni Busetto is a Swiss-Italian AI Executive & Innovator and the Chief AI Officer of HealthAI. Alberto-Giovanni is also a Member of the World Economic Forum's Global Future Councils and has been both the inaugural Global Head of Data Science & AI at Merck Healthcare and the first Group SVP Head of Data & AI of The Adecco Group. He has been a UN Global Compact Mentor, Merck Digital Champion, IBM Distinguished Speaker, Task-Force Member of the World Employment Confederation, recognized among the nation's outstanding early-career engineers by the US National Academy of Engineering FoE and as the US Big Data Chair of the Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering. After earning a Doctorate with a Medal from ETH Zürich, he has served as faculty in AI at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has been the Founder & Executive Director of the Intelligent and Predictive Systems Laboratory. In his two decades of experience, he led the creation and management of intelligent products for Healthcare, BioTech, EdTech, Electronics, Engineering and Professional Services in the USA, Europe and APAC.