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Joëlle Hazoume Alao

Orange, Business developer/ Program director/ Board member

Speaker Bio

Expertise : Commercial management, Strategy, Project and change management, business development, financial services and relations with the regulator.

I am an operational expert in mobile financial services and serial entrepreneur in sub saharian Africa. Through my 24 years of professional experience, I built strong skills in project and program management in the banking sector and mobile financial services.
I led important and strategic projects to launch new products or services, operate digital transformation, create new companies or business units and managed a mobile money affiliate.

After a few years in the banking sector as a business analyst and project manager, in BNP Paribas, Société Générale in Benin, and Crédit Agricole in Gabon, I joined the Orange Group, where I am still employed today.
During my experience at Orange, I had the opportunity to lead commercial and marketing teams, and also develop new growth drivers for our MEA region in Niger, Guinea and in Paris at the corporate level.
I conducted the Orange Bank Africa program; our first milestone was the launch of our Head office in Abidjan. We are now preparing to launch a branch in Senegal, and a micro finance in Guinea. Our Bank aims at developing financial inclusion by offering micro loans disbursed via Orange Money.
I am also a board member of our Orange Money affiliate in DRC and a board member for Orange Bank Africa in Côte d’Ivoire.
In my new role at Orange Money Group, our Fintech, I support and drive our 17 Orange Money affiliates and our banking entities in business development opportunities, and multi country partnerships aiming to expand our offers and services.

I am very sensitive and oriented towards financial inclusion and women empowerment issues, this has led me to become a mentor for the Women In Africa program.

I hold a Master of Arts in Management and Finance from the University of Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne