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Rossana Alessandrello

AQuAS - Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia, Value Based Procurement Director

Speaker Bio

Rossana Alessandrello, is the Value Based Procurement Director of the Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya (AQuAS), coordinator of the Value Based Procurement Subcommittee of the Catalonian Department of Health Innovation and Transformation Commission, co-creator and Scientific Manager of iRaise (the very first Education Programme on high value care innovation adoption, semi-finalist of the European Innovation Procurement Leadership Award 2022 from the European Innovation Council and winner of Amparo Poch 2023 award in the category “Best Public Procurement Initiative for Innovation in Health” from Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS) and Universidad de Zaragoza) and co-coordinator of the European Connected Health Alliance Health Procurement Thematic Innovation Ecosystem.

She coordinated DECIPHER, the very first cross-border pre-commercial procurement in mHealth co-funded by the European Commission (EC) and, since then, she either coordinates or contributes to several EC co-funded innovation actions,  pre-commercial procurements and public procurements of innovation, as RITMOCORE PPI that won the European Innovation Procurement Strategy Award 2022 from the European Innovation Council.

Since 2020, she is invited lecturer to the Master of Advanced Public Procurement from the University of Barcelona. Since 2024 she is lecture of EIT Health Certified Innovation Path contributing to the specialised module Digital Medical Devices Innovation Adoption and leading the High Value Care path. She is member of the VPH Institute Board of Directors and the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Board of REALM (RWD Enabled Assessment for heaLth regulatory decision Making).