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David Domingo

Horizon10, Founder

Speaker Bio

Passionate about open innovation, technology, and startups, I’m skillful in starting new projects from scratch, building partnerships and support early-stage companies in the intersection of innovation/technology/impact.

With over 20 years of experience in innovation ecosystems, technology trends/dissemination, and digital communities, I am an international ecosystem builder, trends/technology analyst and business development manager who connects and empowers startups, corporates, institutions, and investors through knowledge exchange, events, and programs.

In my latest position, I managed the international ecosystem relationships, business development, and strategic projects at The Collider/Mobile World Capital, a tech transfer venture builder that bridges the gap between science and market, creating disruptive technology-based startups in the fields of health, energy, cleantech, and manufacturing. Before I was the knowledge manager and program director of the 4YFN startup events around the world.

Computer Science Engineer by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech (2004), Advanced Networks postgraduate (2007), EMBA by ESADE (2023), and have my digital roots in the demoscene, open source, free music, and other computer art subcultures from the 90s/00s.