Michiaki Hayashi

KDDI Corporation, GM, Infrastructure Technology Research

Speaker Bio

Michiaki Hayashi is a general manager of the infrastructure technology research
department of KDDI Corporation. Currently, he is responsible for research of
infrastructure technologies, including all-photonic networks, data center networks, green
transformation, network management, quantum computing, and space communications.
Relevant standardization and forum activities in IOWN Global Forum, ITU-T, ITU-R, and TM
Forum are also part of his responsibility. Prior to the current position, he was
responsible for designing KDDI IP/MPLS backbone network, and enterprise network. He
was also engaged in commercial developments of all photonic network protection
system and long-haul transmission systems for submarine cable systems. In his career
at KDDI Research Inc. for 20 years, he was engaged in research and development of
optical signal processing, unified control plane for IP-Optical, network virtualization, and
AI-based network management.

Through his career of developing network technologies, he committed standardizing
network resource control architecture and relevant signaling protocols in ITU-T SG13,
SG11, and Focus Group Future Network. He served ITU-T as an associate Rapporteur
of Q5/11 in study period 2009-2012. During his commitment to the standardization of
signaling protocols, he served as a chief editor of the Recommendation of an inter-
operators QoS protocol (i.e., Q.3307.1: Resource control protocol No. 7 Protocol at the
interface between inter-domain policy decision physical entities). He also actively
contributed to the standardization of resource and admission control architecture in next
generation networks (i.e., Y.2111) discussed in SG13, ITU-T. Recently in SG13, he led
establishment of new work item “Y.L2E2net-frm” which defines the framework of all-
photonic network inspired by IOWN Global Forum concept.