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Alejandro Marti

Mitiga Solutions, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder

Speaker Bio

Dr. Alejandro (Alex) Martí is the CEO and co-founder of Mitiga Solutions, an award-winning spin-off of the National Supercomputing Center (BSC) in Spain.

Alex believes all critical decisions related to climate-induced hazards shouldn't be left to chance... but to science. As a science-based climatech, Mitiga offers the next-generation of  climate risk intelligence that combines science, AI, and high-performance computing. 

For over a decade, Alex pioneered the use of geospatial technology to quantify the impact of climate at a U.S. Government division, bridging cutting-edge R&D into industry and collaborating with various organizations, such as NASA, NOAA, and Microsoft. He also taught at several U.S. universities and collaborated with world-renowned business schools. His technical expertise ranges from climate, weather, and geophysical modeling, to employing the latest’s AI and high- performance computing/cloud technologies.

Alex holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and doctorate and postgraduate degrees in Engineering, Applied Physics and Geospatial Technologies from Rutgers, Princeton and Cambridge University.

Alex also serves as Chairman of the AI group for Climate Applications for the United Nations ITU and as Industry Board Member of Europe's high-performing computing network (PRACE). He's also an international expert for UNDP for risk modeling, and as a group leader for the Natural and Social Hazards Group at the National Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS). He was a recipient of several prestigious Marie Curie Fellowships.