Session Moderators
Session Speakers
Session Description
The rise of digital industries in private and public sector
The digital transformation of enterprises across various sectors is accelerating. Between 2024 and 2030, enterprises are expected to allocate 10% of their revenues to digital transformation, creating new B2B opportunities for technology suppliers, including operators. However, the rise of digital industries is not uniform, as different sectors have unique needs and priorities. Gaining insights directly from enterprises is crucial to developing effective B2B strategies and capitalizing on the digital transformation opportunity. What are the strategic objectives, investment plans, priorities, deployment challenges, and supplier decisions of enterprises? How can the ecosystem capture opportunities?
The Global 5G Alliance Summit will take place at MWC Barcelona 2025 (3 – 6 March 2025) in GSMA Knowledge Zone in Hall 8.1 CC8.16 on Wednesday, 5 March 2025 13:30 – 16:00. This session will bring together APAC 5G Industry Community contributors, global 5G leaders, Alliances and Association to share:
- Enterprise digital transformation’s strategic objectives, investment plans and priorities, deployment challenges, and supplier decisions
- Accelerating AI and 5G Innovation in ASEAN
- Digital transformation investment of enterprises
- Challenges, opportunities, and collaborative efforts for scaling private networks
- The landscape of mobile broadband networks for public safety
- Exploration of the policies, technologies, and business models for private networks in the public sector
- Networking
Time Session Description
Opening and 5G latest development in APAC
- Terence Wong, Head of APAC 5G Industry Community, APAC, GSMA
- Julian Gorman, Head of APAC, GSMA
Opportunities and trend for enterprises in 5G era
- Christina Patsioura, Lead Analyst, IoT & Enterprise, GSMA Intelligence
Accelerating AI and 5G Innovation in ASEAN
- Datuk Wira Dr. Rais Hussin, Chief Executive OfficerCEO, MRANTI
Transformation from Telco to Techco in AI era, driving B2B growth
- Chunlin Li, Carrier XtoB Solution Expert, Huawei
Panel: Discussion on the challenges, opportunities, and collaborative efforts for scaling private networks
Moderator by Diogo Granate, Partner, Kearney
- Navachai Kiartkorkuaa, Head of Enterprise Marketing and SME Business Management, AIS
- Sebastian Tan, Senior Vice President of Advanced Connectivity and Head of Enterprise Communications (5G), ST Engineering
- Sandeep Sharma, Head of Emerging Technologies, Network Services Tech Mahindra
Cutting-edge innovations and developments in the Automotive and Transportation Industry
– Maxime Flament, CTO, 5G Automotive Association
Landscape and case study of mobile broadband networks for public safety
– K Graham, CEO, TCCA and Scott Agnew, President of FirstNet by AT&T & Jeff Bratcher, Deputy Executive Director, Office of Operations and Chief Technology Officer, FirstNet
Panel: Exploration of the policies, technologies, and business models for private networks in the public sector
Moderated by Tero Pesonen, TCCA Vice Chair & Board Director /CC Broadband Group Chair and TCCA representative to 3GPP
- Issam Toufik, ETSI CTO and 3GPP Project Coordination Group Secretary
- Annti Kauppinen, Erillisverkot (Govt PPDR, utility, rail)
- Guillaume Lambert, Director France MoI ACMOSS
- Brianna Huettel, Strategy and Operations Lead, NIST
Closing and Networking
This is an “invitation-only” event. If you will attend MWC Barcelona and are interested to join this summit, please register your interests here.
Doors Open: 13:30