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Roundtables & Summits

Smart Cities: A Growing Opportunity for Mobile Operators and Startups


Mon, 3 Mar
11:30 - 12:30 CET

Open to All


CC8.16, GSMA Knowledge Zone, Hall 8.1 - 4YFN


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Session Description

Two thirds of the world’s population is expected to live in cities by 2050. 90% of urban growth from now until then, will occur in Africa and Asia. While cities are increasingly grappling with a range of challenges including rapid urbanisation, service delivery, climate change and inadequate infrastructure, cities also have access to a range of new technological innovations. The smart city agenda highlights the transformative potential of digital technologies in urban services. While it has historically focused on high-income countries, today we see these solutions being implemented across a broader spectrum of cities around the world. 

With declining voice and data revenues, it is essential for many mobile operators to reposition themselves and capture more of the value chain of digital services. Smart city solutions provide a promising path for MNOs to leverage their capabilities and drive urban transformation – particularly through AI, IoT, and payments. Start-ups and private sector innovators are also uniquely positioned to support the development of smart city solutions. 

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