Paloma De La Puente De Ugarte

Partner and Sustainability Expert at Conese, Conese

Speaker Bio

Conese´s partner with more than 15 years of experience as a manager in sustainability and technologies applied to sustainable development. Currently at Conese, she accompanies companies in the sustainability strategies integration into business, collaborating with sectors such as automotive industr , cosmetics, retail, fashion, energy and technology.

For 10 years she worked at Indra, where he was part of the Sustainability Solutions team, executing and leading sustainability projects in leading companies such as: Telefónica, BBVA, REE, Gas Natural, Femsa, Enagás, Bankia, etc.

Paloma is advisor for startups and companies (Sygris, Aplanet, Bioscore, Quentic) in technology development applicable to the ESG aspects management.

She is also a lecturer in masters and executive programmes at the International School of Communication, the School of Industrial Organisation and Next Educación, teaching subjects in the field of sustainability and technology, and member and founder of the Advisory Committee of the Sustainability Hub of Eje&Con.